From Rev Kathi

I enjoy personal growth work. Being in groups for days at a time with people who are being real, sharing their experiences, healing, and hearts is my idea of a good time. 

As a participant in one particular yearlong seminar, I was asked the same question in every session, “What is your purpose in life?” By the eighth weekend session I cringed when I heard the question because the truth was, I had no idea what the answer was. Just before the question came up in session nine, I silently said this desperate prayer, “Holy Spirit 911! I need to know my purpose and I need to know it right now!” I was astonished when the answer immediately came to my mind: Your purpose is to forgive and to inspire others to forgive. 

It was as if my whole life snapped into focus and I finally had the answer I had been seeking. The forgiveness work I did over the next few years was the most powerful and healing part of my recovery from the painful effects of a deeply traumatic childhood. My life used to be 80% suffering and struggle, and 20% happiness and fun. These days my life is about 80% happy, peaceful, and fun. And when the other 20% shows its ugly face, I turn to the forgiveness processes I’ve developed over the years to quickly restore my peace and happiness. 

If you have any questions or concerns about forgiveness please ask. The way I listen and what I have to share may lead you to the life you’ve always wanted but haven’t known how to make happen.

“In my spiritual life I seek, through prayer and meditation, the underlying unity of all religions, an end to suffering for all beings, and a personal experience of God.” — Rev Kathi

Education & professional background.


I am a recycled housewife and a graduate of corporate America. I received my true calling and my education late in life.

  • 1999 Bachelor of Divinity degree
    Universal Brotherhood University, Atlanta, GA

  • 2004 Master of Divinity degree
    Universal Brotherhood University, Atlanta, GA

  • 2009 Doctor of Divinity degree
    Universal Brotherhood University, Atlanta, GA

Ordination formalized the lay ministry I had offered for years, and helped it grow into several intertwining branches: breathwork, personal growth coaching, weddings, couple’s marriage preparation coaching, and of course most helpful of all—forgiveness coaching.

In my work as a minister I officiate a great many weddings, which means I also have the opportunity to teach a great many couples skills that help them prepare for married life.

No matter how strong we are with our communication, conflict resolution, and other relationship skills, problems keep repeating until we root out and forgive the root cause stuck in the unconscious part of the mind. That’s when life really takes off.

Forgiveness means real freedom from the pain of the past.

Forgiveness transforms the quality of our lives and relationships faster than anything I have found. And the results are far reaching and permanent!

A little personal sharing.


My sweetheart, Terry, and I have been married for 22 years now. So, for most of those years I was referred to in our family as the “new Moon.” These days I’ve had to give up the title to two wonderful daughters-in-law.

I have family in the east, in the west and in the middle. Sadly, my parents and my brother have passed away. I still have great cousins and a wonderful nephew.


I’m also a “step.” I have 3 grown stepchildren, 5 grown step-grandchildren, and 6 little step-great grandchildren (that number keeps increasing) and they all make my heart soar the minute I see them. More than 20 years ago all I did was kiss a guy, and the next thing I knew I was a grandmother! 


At the moment, Terry and I have two fur babies, mini dachshund siblings named Jack and Molly. They are the product of an illicit romance, so they needed a home before they were even born. They bring us endless joy and laughter!

“Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache, and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life.”

— Joan Lunden